So, you might have noticed that I’ve been really quite for the last couple of years; only two or three blog posts a year. Yeah, I know, that’s not very many. So what’s the point of keeping it active? Good question! There was a time when I loved to write. I could write about anything that was on my mind and feel like I has said something. Maybe not something profound, but… something. When I finished seminary it was like that part of my brain just shut off. I write when it’s necessary, but never just for the pure enjoyment of writing. Maybe it’s time for that to change. I’d like to start writing again, but I just don’t know where to start. And it seems like my blog is going through something of an identity crisis. I’m just not sure what it’s supposed to be. Is it a place for me to say what’s on my mind or is there something else that would better serve the readers? If you have any suggestions, I’d love to hear them.